Algar Telecom

The good performance of 2019 reflects the continuity of the geographical expansion, the focus on penetrating the market in the B2B segment and the resulting increase of our capillarity. In the year, we expanded our operations in the South, Southeast and Northeast of Brazil. We have expanded our offer of products and services to provide the best experience for our client, in line with the corporate purpose of People serving People.

circulo pontilhado circulo pontilhado Message from the Management

Corporate Governance

We are an unlisted publicly-held company, and we adopt principles, governance structure and routines in line with best market practices. Our executives play a crucial role in the dissemination of the Compliance Program, leading by example and practicing what they preach.

Our People

The customer is our reason for being. This is one of the values of Algar Telecom, which represents a literal quote of the founder of the group Algar, Comendador Alexandrino Garcia. In 2019, our 4,416 employees – as Algar Telecom employees are called – worked to offer the best solutions for the business and people’s daily lives.

Strengthening our Business in 2019

We want to be a reference in IT, and Telecom solutions for the B2B segment and our methodologies are developed with this purpose in mind. We are founding members of Brain, an Institute of Science and Technology created to form strategic partnerships to simplify the day-to-day life of individuals and companies. At Algar Telecom, Estação is responsible for operationalizing and scaling new businesses from Brain.


Learn about our business model, which reflects the purpose to generate value in the short-, medium- and long-term.


We invested in the transition from steel networks to optical networks, which are faster in data traffic and have a higher signal quality.


In addition to geographic expansion, we also have the purpose to increase networks and increase capillarity.


Algar Franquias’ model creates a win-win relationship for all stakeholders.

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Highlights and Performance in 2019

We recorded the highest result in the history of Algar Telecom, with net income reaching R$303.2 million, up by 13.8% compared to the previous year. The figures for the period show the efficiency to implement the strategy and competitive differentials of our products and services. In addition to financial performance, we are recognized for important awards in the areas of corporate governance, people management, sustainability, innovation and customer service.


Our purpose for 2020 is to position ourselves as an increasingly national company with sustainable growth based on the densification of regions where we already operate, expansion of our operations, the offer of innovative solutions and efficient service to customers. Our responsibility to guarantee access to telecommunications increases even more, considering the pandemic scenario due to the coronavirus (COVID-19).

Grafismo da Algar