People Management

Aware of our responsibility to our 4,416 employees, we care about managing people and offer an environment of personal and professional development, participation (based on the company-network philosophy), recognition for meritocracy and well-being.

In 2019, the Human Talents area developed the TH+ Program, focused on its strategic role to align Algar Telecom’s corporate goals to the expectations and well-being of its employees. We understand that, to offer the best experience to our customers, we need to ensure that our professionals are involved in the Company’s values. In this sense, people management goes beyond hiring and includes the retention and engagement of employees. In 2019, we worked on the Company’s reputation (employer branding), to keep a positive image with new talents and increase the satisfaction level of our professionals.

Combining technology and innovation, we implemented the People and Management Program in 2019, which automated Human Talent processes, ensuring agility and personalization in the management of our employees. Thus, leaders can evaluate their subordinates and make requests regarding the Human Talent area in an automated way. The role of the Human Talent area is also key to implement the agile methodology for the processes developed by the Company, expanding the method that is already underway at Estação (click here to find out more).

Given the territorial growth and expansion of our operations, our activities in 2019 were focused on spreading the organizational culture, both for new employees and for professionals who were already part of the Company’s staff. In the previous year, the Algar group underwent a process of evolution of its organizational culture, to strengthen cultural traits that will allow us to grow in a permanent and sustainable way. To spread the attributes that must be followed by employees, training and engagement actions were carried out throughout 2019, attended by employees of all hierarchical levels so that everyone knows the attributes, their importance and the impacts on the routine of the Company.

Attributes of the Organizational Culture

The four attributes of Algar Telecom’s organizational culture include two expected behaviors of our employees, considering fundamental aspects to evolve to a more digital, simple, and connected mindset. The new culture reflects our focus on growing with innovation and adopting agile methodologies to provide the best environment for employees and the best customer experience:


  • Delivers what it promises and makes choices that guarantee execution.
  • Manages the risks and opportunities of our business.

Reliable attribute

  • Practices the necessary conversations with a focus on what is best for Algar Telecom.
  • Cultivates the open environment in which everyone feels heard and considered.


  • Makes decision with autonomy and responsibility.
  • Simplifies towards agility.


  • Acts in a customer-oriented/market-oriented way and focuses on
  • Profitability. Misacts fast, corrects him/herself fast and learn.

Throughout 2019, we had three surveys to assess the compliance of employees with organizational culture behaviors. The favorability percentage reached 80% and, based on this indicator, we mapped the attributes that will be emphasized in the work to spread the organizational culture in 2020.

Profile of the employees

GRI 102-7, 102-8

An analysis of the characteristics of our employees, separating them by age, gender and region, lets us plan our people management activities more assertively, and helps us draft policies and procedures and plan for better working conditions.

Know a little more about the profile of our employees.

Number of employees

Employees per gender in 2019

Employees per place of work (per Brazilian region) in 2019

Employees per age group in 2019

Employees per type of workday in 2019