Network Reliability

GRI Network reliability

Aware that the network stability and availability are essential to ensure business continuity for customers in the B2B segment and to provide a good experience for customers in the retail segment, we continuously work to identify mechanisms that make our networks even more resilient.

In our geographic expansion process, especially in the country’s Northeast and South regions, we have constantly invested not only in coverage, but also in expanding the network’s capacities, resilience and robustness.

In addition, through partnerships with other industry players, we invest in tertiary routes of metropolitan networks, ensuring the continuity of the operation in case of failures in the primary or secondary networks. The tertiary route project serves 100% of the capitals where Algar Telecom operates, ensuring resilience to the network and the best experience for our customers. We also continuously invested in replacing radio backbone for optical fiber. In retail, 57.7% of broadband accesses are already served by optical fiber, substantially improving the customer experience.

The Company’s efforts are proven by monitoring both the customer’s experience and satisfaction indicators. We monitor the customer experience with the mobile network through the CEM – Customer Experience Management (click here to find out more), a tool based on artificial and cognitive intelligence, allowing us to direct investments according to the customer’s needs, ensuring a more assertive management and the best capital efficiency. In turn, the customer satisfaction indicators also reflect Algar Telecom’s employees’ training to provide quality service through relationship channels.

Performance indicators and the maintenance of network availability are monitored by the Quality Governance Committee, with representatives from the Board of Executive Officers and a multidisciplinary team with members from the service, operation and engineering areas. The Committee gathers weekly, leading to a quick decision-making process and fast definition of necessary actions.